The Naked Hippie

The Naked Hippie calls itself a “purposed brand,” meaning that the brand serves a higher purpose than just selling goods. Sure, it sells high quality t-shirts and apparel that sport meaningful phrases, and these make consumers happy. But the higher purpose is the fact that 100% of the profits from sales go towards providing microloans to entrepreneurs around the world.


TNH believes in restoring economic health, rather than using a Band-Aid to fix a symptom of a larger problem. They differentiate themselves from organizations like TOMS and Warby Parker, because rather than donating a product or hiring a worker, they are helping fund the entire business of an entrepreneur. They are following in the footsteps of Ashoka and Kiva in that their goal is to provide small, manageable loans to someone who is trying to start a small business, and then by getting the business off the ground and paying the loan back, the entrepreneur now can make a living.


In addition to providing microloans, TNH also helps the environment. They use only recycled materials for their apparel, and each shirt sold offsets water pollution. They believe in sustainable farming and crop rotation, so all of their organic cotton comes from farms that share their philosophy.


By “teaching a man to fish” rather than “giving a man a fish,” TNH hopes that they can help truly get to the root of poverty and make a massive difference, one entrepreneur at a time. They recognize that charity can only go so far, and that what people are really looking for is to make a living for themselves and create their own destiny. Microloans make this possible, and TNH wants to help.

Krysia Zajonc

Everybody loves business. Actually, this is the main reason why new businesses from all fields are sprouting in the market today. In fact, who doesn’t want to generate income or have an impact in the society? Definitely none of you, but the question is how will you start up the innovation? Right, this has been the most common challenge faced by young social investors. Well, most of us have very exciting ideas but bringing those ideas into reality has remained to be the major stubbing block. I believe this should be what Krysia Zajonc, 29, Cofounder, Local Food Lab had in mind when coming up with her invention.   Krysia Zajonc, 29 came up with a very brilliant idea to educate young social entrepreneurs on to raise capital, scale operations and market their products, and building a healthier food system. Very brilliant idea!


The challenge Krysia Zajonc, 29 is tackling is real. What Local Food Lab is doing is absolutely amazing. If you have ever managed a start up business or a social innovation you well know the challenges faced by these young social entrepreneurs trying to make ends meet. Krysia Zajonc, 29 got the concept of social entrepreneurship absolutely right. Local Food Lab provides online reading materials to over two thousand and five hundred young social entrepreneurs in over fifty one nations around the globe at a very cheap price. Krysia Zajonc, 29 has as well offered in-person trainings and events to over one thousand and five hundred young innovators. Today, Local Food Lab is intensively working with over seventy five startup social entrepreneurs to assist them have impact in the society.


This is absolutely amazing. If you have ever heard of a third eye or thinking outside the box, this should be your case study. Who else could have thought of what Local Food Lab is doing, if not this under thirty years nominee in Forbes social entrepreneur of the year 2015. Possibly someone else might have come up with relevant idea, but the question is after how long? Definitely, that should have been taken us quite a longer period. Local Food Lab has created a platform whereby startup food entrepreneurs interact freely with experienced innovators, policy experts and other key figures in the field that gets their most piercing questions answered.


We have solutions to our challenges.  Most of the social challenges we are faced with can be easily solve if we all think in this line of Krysia Zajonc, 29. In fact, if Krysia Zajonc, 29 can have such a great impact in the society, how life will be if we all think like this brilliant social entrepreneur? We are the witches of our own selves. We should stop been limited to our problems and see beyond these challenges. In fact, challenges are part of life and they are there to strengthen and not to discourage you. Possibly you didn’t know where to start but Krysia Zajonc, 29 has opened up your eyes to see beyond your challenges. This is Krysia Zajonc, 29 for you. Let’s read you for others.



Isabel Medem

If you have been in the outskirts of major urban areas, where indoor plumbing or sufficient running water is not available, definitely you are well aware of the health hazard posed to the community as well as the surrounding environment. Actually, the community is at high risk of outbreak of diseases and infections. The environment is filthy and uncomfortable for human life. This should be what Isabel Medem – 29 had in mind when developing her X-Runner/Sanisol social entrepreneurship project. Isabel Medem – 29 came up with a very brilliant idea to provide clean sanitation system in outskirts of the major cities to address the critical lack of indoor plumbing and running water. This is absolutely a very brilliant social innovation. X-Runner/Sanisol provides dry portable toilets which are regularly replaced to the families in urban areas where sanitation system is a major challenge. These services are not only accessible and affordable but also create a positive impact to the surrounding environment. The waste collected is composed and used economical in production of fertilizer.


This is very amazing. If you have ever heard of seeing beyond where other can see or thinking outside the box, then Isabel Medem – 29 should be your case study. Actually, who else could have thought of that if not Isabel Medem – 29? Well, someone else might have come with similar project if not exactly this one for this Forbes under thirty years social entrepreneur of the year 2015, but the question is after how long? A decade! Right, it is hard to tell but definitely would have taken quite long time. The challenge Isabel Medem – 29 is tacking is real. I cannot imagine how life would be in a community with over two million humans without proper sanitation system. I believe this should be so disgusting and economical unfavorable to the government as well as the residents. Really, how much the government would be spending on these families on health and environmental facts? Definitely, this should be big amounts. Isabel Medem – 29 has not only eased the life of people in the outskirts of the big cities but also the pressure on the limited resources of the nation. This is really amazing. Very amazing indeed!


We have solutions to our challenges. The solutions to most of the social problems we go through are with us. But we must change on how we think and perceive things. Actually, if one person can bring such a great impact to the society and the world at large, how life would be if we all think in this line of Isabel Medem – 29? Would poverty, political wars, racial discriminations, unemployment and many other social issues be a bother to us? Definitely not! I categorically say NO. We are the witches of our own selves by our own laziness. We are afraid of thinking on solutions to our problems which have now become the painful thorn in the economy of many nations. Well, possibly we lacked someone to open up our minds. If that was the case, then Isabel Medem – 29 has done so absolutely well. Let’s see you then.